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Managing More Than You Were Before? Striving For Continual Improvement?

The CRM Task Module has many advantages over web-based CRM systems that can be too complex

As a key feature of PSL Datatrack production control software, the versatile CRM/Task Module enables users to maximise their efficiency by removing the need for paper or manual reminders of any kind. Details of all tasks required to be maintained and monitored are logged in tasks and because it is integrated with all modules in the system it can provide umbrella control over all production and non-production processes; a single management tool.

The multi-user shared “to-do” list can be used to define any business administration or production management task that needs carrying out. Responsibilities for tasks are assigned and those involved are automatically notified via email, saving time and administration. Dates and actions to be achieved by relevant staff members are recorded and timed reminders can be generated.

The Task module can be used for specific jobs, such as generating reminders to follow up particular customer quotations, assigning any tasks that must be undertaken as part of ISO 9001 requirements (including any regular or one off Preventative and Corrective Actions that need to be undertaken) as well as reminders to organise a machine tool service or prepare for a management meeting. Any longer-term project tasks around the workplace that are not part of day-to-day work can also be easily managed, such as the purchase of additional machine tools, reorganisation of a factory area or the evaluation a potential supplier.

The ability to set tasks, agree dates for completion and review and monitor individual or group responsibilities/actions can highlight problem areas allowing users to record and then make necessary improvements. Management can be provided with measurements of success or failure of tasks at a glance, helping to drive manufacturing, customer focussed or business improvements to increase the efficiency and profitability of the company.

The module also has document management which can be used to store all information related to the task in a central location making it available to everyone who needs it, be it the booking for an engineer service visit or the agenda for the next board meeting.

As one PSL Datatrack customer concludes: “The CRM Task Module has many advantages over web-based CRM systems that can be too complex, too expensive and over engineered for engineering companies like ours. It is certainly the best management tool that we could have added.”